Meet Wavyy Jonez of Fat City Global, INC

Growing up in Long Island, I was surrounded by greatness and everything that came from it – Like EPMD, RAKEEM, CRAIG MACK, KEITH MURRAY, and BIZMARKEE. Seeing these greats from my city conquer how they did, I knew that I could take the world by storm and make an impact. So, I started writing my own rhymes, finding ways to get into the studio, and performing wherever I could find a mic and stage.
After many years, and many struggles, my mom and my brother packed up and settled in Spring Lake, NC. Life was easier there, and it gave my mom the opportunity to raise us better. I hated seeing my mom struggle, but that just ignited a bigger hustler in me, so I knew I had to tap into me more – and I did.
After working petty jobs to help my mother hold down the house, I knew there had to be better. I did it all from washing dishes at a college, flipping burgers at Mcdonald’s, and valeting cars. I was hurt, broken – and I put all my downfalls in one painful song. The next morning, my Accapella went viral, big music platforms were reposting me, and I got hit up by a gentlemen who said I remind him of the Notorious B.I.G. Not thinking much of it, he then sent me a flyer saying they were looking for an actor to play “BIGGIE,” in a new television series
I auditioned and eventually would win the heart of one of the producers who decided to fly me in to test for the role – in Hollywood. After two nerve-wracking auditions in front of Hollywood’s top executives, I went on to book the role and that has then launched my career in Hollywood.
Honestly, I never imagined being an actor, and really never looked into how much hard work it actually consists of. I’m once this kid with a rap dream, now I’m a full-blown actor with agents/manager and 4 roles under my belt. It does get tough, but I know how to handle it.
I would say the hardest part of this business is the loneliness. People see you TV, with thousands of followers and comments and think you have it all. I also don’t live in LA, so when I am in town on business. It’s not chauffer services or fancy hotels. I spent a lot of nights in my car. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t afford those things, It’s just I don’t want to get comfortable. I rise through struggle.
One of the personal struggles I deal with outside of entertainment is my mental health. I’m bipolar and struggle with deep depression. How I deal with these things is by writing all of my thoughts on paper and taking trips down by the ocean to think.
Fat City Global is a creative network. We handle music, production, and media. Our main focus is branding, and we want to build an audience around your brand. With establishing Fat City Global, I’m most proud of the belief I had in myself to conquer so much and also the fact that I can instill this belief into someone coming up after me.
What sets me apart is I’m not just an actor or rapper, I’m proud to be behind the scenes and flex my business muscle. This is important because I can teach others coming into the game how to be about their business and be successful outside of their “dream.”
Success is happiness. Success is generational wealth. Being able to leave a legacy to those coming behind me to doing bigger and better things that I was able to do.
In the words of the Notorious B.I.G. “Stay far from timid, Only make moves when your hearts in it. And live the phrase Sky’s the limit.