Meet Darcy Donavan

Even as a very little girl, I had always wanted to be an entertainer. I had barely started walking and I was already singing, dancing and making my own skits and plays. My mother told me that I would always perform for friends and family whenever they came to visit. For as long as I can remember, I just really enjoyed making people smile and laugh.
I was with my Mom shopping when we saw this flyer for child actors. I begged her and begged her until she finally gave in and let me go to the audition. I ended up beating out 400 other kids for the role in my first television commercial and a star was born. LOL. From there I appeared in number of national television commercials and television shows. During that time, cheered on by my Grandfather who bought me my first guitar, I began my professional singing career as well. I was around eight years old when I started performing in children’s hospitals and raising money for charities in my hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. I was a triple threat performer who also competed in talent and beauty competitions, winning many titles and eventually winning the honor of being Ms. Nashville, Tennessee.
It sounds like a dream life, but to be honest, nothing was handed to me and I had to work hard for everything I had. My Mother was a busy single Mom working two jobs to support us, and I definitely did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I had to secure sponsors for every pageant I was in and design and sew my own dresses along with my Grandmother’s help. I would see other kid’s parents buying them the best, but in the end, my sheer determination and drive was what helped me to rise to the top. After winning Ms. Nashville, I pursued my music career further. My band won a battle of the bands competition, beating out 500 other bands and catapulting my career. I became a platinum selling recording artist, with my first self-titled album and that enabled me to tour with many well-known artists across the nation.
While I was pursuing my music career, a famous acting coach saw my work and told me that Los Angeles was the best place to continue my career. I packed up and headed out and I immediately began landing roles in hit movies and television shows like, “Anchorman”, “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind”, “Parks and Recreation”, “Nip/Tuck”, and later on, “My Name is Earl”, and “Modern Family”.
As my acting career flourished, I also continued my music career with my second album, “Distraction,” that accumulated over twenty-million online streams worldwide, and a few of my songs were number one ringtone downloads in North America. Since then, I have released several more singles including “SupaBad”, the “SupaBad UltraBad Remix”, “It’s My Life” and the “It’s My Life Remix” which can all be found on Itunes, Google Play, Spotify and other audio streaming sites.
Throughout it all though, I never forgot my roots and where I came from. Being someone who has made their way with very little, I’ve always found it important to give back to others as well. I work with many local, national and international charities around the world. I also give back in other ways as well, by sharing my daily inspirational messages to my 4.5 Million fans and friends online.
The daily messages became so important, that through the request of my fans, I was urged to become an author and release my first book, “Darcy’s Daily Dose of Inspiration”. The book is a guide to help you live your best life. I have to say that the book campaign and launch was incredible, with my book getting into stores like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and a dozen of other book retailers across the nation. I am blessed to have received letters and emails from thousands of fans saying that the book and my online posts helped them to go on with their lives. I couldn’t be more thankful for the wonderful feedback.
Of course, if you haven’t figured out by now, I’m still keeping busy, writing my second book and I am currently in pre-production on a network television show that I will be producing and starring in. If you want to learn more about me, I’d be honored to have you join my social media networks, read my inspirational daily messages and follow me along my journey!
It has not been a smooth road at all! I’d say it was more like driving over a bed of rocks. LOL. Pretty much if you name it, I’ve been through it. From bullying to barely making ends meet, to abuse that came from a bad marriage that my Mom fell into, to the death of my Grandfather who was my world, I had to face it all, and grow up waaaaay too fast.
No matter what life threw at me, I wasn’t going to let the bad win. I always had my fighting spirit and God and the Angels that helped to pull me through. Remember, God will never give you anything that you can’t handle. For me, no matter what life brings, a tornado, earthquake, etc. I am going to keep pushing forward until the sun starts shining again.
Tough times will come, no matter who you are. Use those experiences to grow and become the best you can be. I never gave up, and I want everyone reading this to do the same. You are strong and you can do anything you put your mind to. Never let anyone stop you.
Also, when things are going good for you, remember to give back as well, because like my Grandfather always said, “When it’s all said and done, there are no luggage racks in a hearse.” Your legacy is the most important thing you will leave behind.
As an Influencer and Celebrity Persona, “Darcy Donavan” is my business. My brand is focused on “Positivity” from my book, to my albums, t-shirts, and other products, I want to bring strength, humor and light to the world. I want to inspire, from my music, to my acting, hosting and producing. Life can be hard, and everyone could use some happiness and inspiration.
Being an artist in the Entertainment Business is one of the best ways for me to influence the world around me. The more people that I can inspire and help; they will be there to help others and so on and so forth. It’s a circle of giving where we can change the whole world around us. That is something that has always driven me.
As a “company”, I take a portion of the proceeds from everything my business does to give back to charities that need it. I think that this sets me apart from others in the sense that it’s cyclical. The world should be more like that, where we all help each other and we all succeed. That is the kind of business model that I want to support.
Success to me is about having a positive impact on the world. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, if you aren’t leaving the world a better place, then what have you really done beside be selfish. Creating a legacy and leaving life better for everyone around me is my definition of success.
Striving for the best, creating the most beautiful things you can and being the best person that you can be is a true marker for success. If you are only going through life at half capacity, then how can you make the biggest impact. As they say, “Go Big or Go Home!”
I am always looking ahead at what can I do today that was better than the day before. Everyone I know tells me I am the “ultimate problem solver”, since I am always coming up with new ways to do things easier and better than before. Need my expert advice? Message me on my new Blog at and I will answer as many questions as I can to help you be your best as well.
Thank you to Buzz Magazine for your awesome questions, and thank you all for reading my interview as well, you are truly wonderful.
Big Hugs,