Meet Author J.Jae

I’ve been writing for years. I started at a young age. I wrote down any and everything that would come to mind, like daily journaling or a Dear Diary. In my adolescent years, I was very soft-spoken. Writing was my voice. I would write about how my day went, how I felt and even jot down my ideas and goals.
In highschool, Language arts was where I truly developed my love for writing eventually turning my work into poetry. It allowed me to broaden my vocabulary and become educated on the different techniques to writing. While reaping each skill, I was able to take my writing to a different level and produce masterpieces that labeled me as an author.
My writing journey has been a bit bumpy but yet rewarding. Life didn’t come with a handbook. As adults, we go through experiences that become relatable so I was eager to write about it. Fear was my biggest issue and procrastination got the best of me. I feared my writing would be mediocre. I had to tell myself that my book will land in the hands of those whom it is meant for. I remember when I used to reach out to other known authors on social media just to inquire on steps of writing a book. I was willing to pay for their time and mentorship. Sadly, my messages were viewed and went without a response. I became a bit discouraged.
But when I tell you, Sometimes we overlook the people that are right in front of us to go seek validation elsewhere. An old classmate Shiketa Duberry had been my friend on social media for years. She was already a self-published author. Soon as I contacted her, she welcomed me with open arms. Shiketa took me up under her wing and while mentoring me I was able to publish my first novel “Let Love Happen” The Redemption. Some people come into your life to make it better, that’s exactly what Shiketa did, thanks girl!
As a newly self-published author, I released my first novel “Let Love Happen” The Redemption in May of 2019. A write about reality which led to my nomination as Author Of The Year awarded by the Derrick Danzel Days Foundation, I’m forever thankful. In May of 2020, I released UN-INVITED: The Suffering, a novel that sheds light on Mental Health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Maxing out in sales, both books are very profitable. I’ve been brewing up something new for my readers. My first erotic short storybook, “OH HELL YES!” will be released next year in 2021. You guys keep an eye out for it. In the beginning, I mentioned that I was soft-spoken. Being that I am very active on social media, I came up with an idea called “Free-write Saturdays.”
Free-write Saturdays was thought about off the strength of those individuals who have an issue with expressing themselves. I wanted to be their voice through writing. Every week on a Wednesday, I would make my inbox accessible for those who wanted to message me any respectable topic expressing how they felt. Like a raffle, on Fridays, I would jot down each topic on a separate piece of paper and pick out of a hat choosing a topic to write a short story about. Once the free-write is finished, the individual who could remain anonymous is notified of the free-write being completed. Saturday the short story is then posted on my social media page and made public for everyone to read. My raw talent and way of writing definitely shook the minds of many. Every Wednesday faithfully, I have topics waiting on me. It is definitely an abundance and I am very grateful that my writing is acknowledged.
Last but not least, I started a new venture called “The Self-Love Projekt.” I went through a silent period of depression where I lost myself. The Self-Love Projekt was birthed after a 15 year failed marriage. The way of life can sometimes get us down as individuals and it’s up to us how to deal with it. Under the Self-Love Projekt, I want to host round-table events eventually turning them into seminars hoping to spread awareness about how important it is for us as individuals to have self-love. No matter what we go through in life, always make time for yourself. Neglecting your needs will suck the life right up out of you leaving you mentally, physically and emotionally drained. Let’s all say it together “Me time.” Get up, do your hair, get dressed, get out and treat yourself. To Lindsey Zonee, my image consultant and make-up artist. I want to thank her for helping me through my transition to find self-love.
What sets me apart from other authors is my writing skills. Each author has a unique way of writing. It is up to you to keep the reader interested. It’s up to you how you choose to market your material. A book sale is awesome but my credibility means everything. For the writers who are inspired to become authors, I have something nice coming for you guys. Stay tuned! The sky’s the limit, I’m just getting started!
My definition for success, “Anything worth having doesn’t comes easy!” Why? If it were, everyone would be successful. Working hard for what you want is the only way you would learn to appreciate the struggles, the obstacles that led you to your success.
Communication is essential to success and support is needed to help get you to the next level. I am definitely looking for every opportunity to network with other like minded individuals where we can help each other grow.