Meet Shiketa Days of Derrick Danzel Days II Corporation

Twelve years ago we lost our 10-month-old son to gun violence in 2008. In 2011 we started our Non-profit Derrick Danzel Days II Corporation named after our son. Our mission was to create something that would impact millions of people. We didn’t want his death to be just another statistic. We specialize in community outreach, business consulting & gun violence awareness.
Over the past few years it has been a little challenging getting things going in the beginning. When you have thousands of people saying they’ll help while it’s fresh in the media. When the noise seizes people tend to stray away from the topic. Long story short we spent years researching and learning how to build our own organization. Grieving is never an easy process and I’ve learned that people don’t make it easy either. Even after twelve years I still find it difficult to talk about. We self-published “Derrick Danzel Days II Story “(Young And Murdered) to tell our story. I found it easier to write about it rather than talk about it.
To sum up the many things we provide. We are like a digital online community. We specialize in helping Urban business owners. From business start-ups, licensing and self-publishing book services. We have online memberships that cater to any individual looking to grow in the entrepreneurial space to increase their financial stability. We offer free and paid subscriptions that help business owners educate themselves when it comes to managing and applying to do business in their state. We are also collaborate with other Urban organizations that are making an impact in the community by attending and hosting community events from virtual to physical.
When I think about the word success. Success is simply something you’ve succeeded in accomplishing. Rather big or small. There’s really no criteria for success but rather doing what you said you would. Being consistent and dedicated to your mission. Success is feeling complete and satisfied with the steps you’ve taken to achieve a personal goal.