Meet Shane T of Shape Pitaki

The name Shape Pitaki was born from the toddler next door who said “Shape” instead of “Shane” and “Pitaki” when attempting to say “Detective” in “Last Chance Detective”. Kids say the darndest things! Greg Johnson (bass) and I had played together in bands for quite a while and he suggested that we start a band using the songs that I’ve written over the years. Being a kickass drummer, I decided, “Yeah, Dave Grohl did it, why not me?” Since I took the helm up front singing and playing guitar, we had to rifle through a few drummers until we found our honeydew, Mike Willson.
We released our first LP “Lonely This Is” in 2014 and played numerous shows all over Southern California to support it. We released the EP “Let’s Get Gnarly & Chill” in 2017 with a music video for our single “Can’t Go Home” and a tour up and down the West Coast with a couple runs out to Austin, TX for SXSW. We’re ramping up for our next release, aptly titled, “Let’s Get Gnarly & Die” during this very mellow and not insane year of 2020.
Ahhhh, attempting to make music with multiple people is always smooth sailing. No bumps, no turbulent waters, no massive icebergs hidden beneath the surface waiting to sink your battleship. Always fun and carefree! And then 2020! The best year to be a not just an emotional, insecure, human being, but also to be a musician!
Shape Pitaki is less of a company and more of a lifestyle! We sell the product of having a good time even though some of those times may be emotional or sad. We try and focus on having a blast and coercing the audience to join us. We love developing new relationships with fellow musicians or music lovers. Our music is influenced by the great singer/songwriters of the 60s and 70s, the punk attitude from the 80s, and the melodies and guitar tones of the 90s and 2000s. We do our best to create something new from what influences us the most. We try our best not to take ourselves too seriously, but also take ourselves seriously. Seriously. If you like sweet songs, that might get silly or rockin, you’re gonna love us. If you love to laugh, you’re gonna love us! I guarantee it! But no refunds, sorry.
Obviously, the number one goal is to have Shape Pitaki fully engaged as a full-time career. We definitely look forward to getting back on the road for touring in the states and even other countries (come on, 2021!). We will always continue to push ourselves as musicians and artists when creating new music or developing our live performances. Creating new “must have” merchandise is always on our minds for the consumer. We want to make records and rad merchandise, tour to support that music, come home and pay the bills and start all over again. We don’t need to be Madonna. We want to be Sinead O’Connor!