Meet Sajie Jay of Sajie Jay Fitness

I began Sajie Jay Fitness in April 2019 after finally taking the advice of my mentor and trainer Michelle to begin taking on my own clients. My personal fitness journey began in 2017 after battling depression for a while I decided to use working out as a coping mechanism to try and make myself feel better and it worked.
By the close of 2017 fitness had taken over my life and while I noticed a great change in my mental and emotional state, my physical appearance was changing too. Shortly after I started to notice myself starting to tone up and shedding some fat, I decided I wanted to go harder and truly, the only way to transform your physique in fitness is through NUTRITION. The moment I invested time and care into the proper nutrition and began to meal prep my meals, I was shooked. Seven months into my fitness journey and I was down 25 pounds and 10% body fat.
I remember hearing people start saying, “I want her legs” or “I want her butt” or “you’re goals.” I at the time was training seven days a week (which is excessive lol I know) 4 times a week I was weight training and three times a week I dedicated to straight cardio running hills and in the sand on weekends. My legs really did it for me, People always asked about my legs and I would try my best to explain to them what I was doing and that’s really when Michelle would see me interact with her own clients or demonstrate something to them that she said to me “you’d be a great trainer” I use to laugh. I was honestly too selfish, and laser focused on reaching my own fitness goals at the time to really consider trying to get others to theirs so I would shake the idea.
Fast forward to 2019. At the time, I was still working Downtown at the US Attorney’s Office and while I really enjoyed what I was doing, my desire to be in the gym full time was growing. I finally decided on April 8, 2019 that I’d take on my own clients part time at Xtreme Fitness. April 15 I gained my first client and it honestly was a domino affect. I had eight clients by the end of my first month training part-time and I felt so accomplished like I finally found my purpose. After a while, my desire to train full-time grew and I remember I would pray and tell God “self-employement 2020” lol I am a firm believer in manifestation so I would ALWAYS say it and I would tell everyone and I was so happy and grateful on September 22, 2019 when I finally became a full-time personal trainer at Xtreme.
Today is April 10, 2020 and in 5 days i’ll officially be celebrating my first year as a personal trainer! and I am very happy about this.
Nothing about this road has been smooth but it’s been so rewarding and purpose driven I can’t even complain. My biggest struggle currently is trying to provide my clients with effective training through virtual live training due to social distancing and the Covid-19 virus. Before the pandemic my biggest struggle was time management. Aside from being a personal trainer, I am also a licensed realtor in Florida and an influencer for a few brands. I find myself constantly trying to find a balance between it all.
Sajie Jay Fitness is my brand and I am currently a personal trainer who specializes in small group training, personal and online training. I am known for my amazing legs and getting my clients quick, long lasting and life changing results due to intense and effective training while building their confidence and positively impacting their mental, emotional, and physical wellness.
I am most proud of my brand’s growth. In a matter of a year, I’ve been able to enhance the lives and wellness of over 60 individuals both virtually and in person. I am also extremely proud to have a multifaceted brand that not only promotes physical appearance but emotional and mental wellness. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to hear that through exercise I’ve been able to help them combat things such as being pre-diabetic, chronic depression, anxiety, and being overweight.
I think that my fitness journey is what sets me apart from others. I struggled and I worked extremely hard to be where I am right now, but I didn’t quit even while struggling with severe depression. I dedicated myself to my goals and I remained consistent for almost three years now and most importantly, I made the necessary lifestyle change while setting realistic goals for myself and that’s what I love the most about my fitness approach. It’s REAL. We get in shape and we stay in shape!
Success to me has truly been my ability to wake up every single day filled with gratitude and loving what I do while making a living out of it. I understand that this isn’t always the case and for that I am very blessed. I also think that being able to work in a field that I love and to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who all share a common goal should be something to be proud of.