Meet LaToya Moulton of Arise Now Life Coaching

My husband and I along with our son have been here Houston for 4 years. I was born and raised in South Florida. I spent the majority of my younger childhood years in a little small town called Marianna, Fl. This little girl often times would be found day dreaming about being a woman of influence a leader the vision was so clear and vivid at that time she didn’t have the words to articulate what it was she saw. And to be honest she didn’t have any examples of women who looked like her doing what she saw yet she still believed – even then she knew she had a story to tell. This woman would utilize her voice, words, and talents to empower and equip others. Fast forward many years later that little girl age seven was me and I am the woman she was dreaming of. In my in-between I have overcome many obstacles in my life from childhood trauma, rejection, depression and low self-esteem. I use to be ashamed of my in-between until I discovered the power of my story and how it can help and encourage other women.
I am a Storyteller, Teacher and Speaker who has been blessed with the gift of communication. I get the honor and privilege to communicate the Love of God to His Daughters. She Arises Now is the anthem the movement that I’ve been entrusted with of encouraging, empowering and equipping young girls and women alike to rise up and begin moving forward into the life God has purposed for them. It is a compelling call. An action word. No longer allowing that dream to sit on the shelf of life, no longer allowing past hurt, doubt, fear, or insecurities hold us back from living a full life. I’m so passionate about what I speak because the pain of my story now fuels my purpose which has produced life for my vision and has given me a mission.
I love this quote it speaks volumes to me because this is exactly what my path of life has been like “Nothing great grows in the place of comfort”. I took me years to eventually understand that and knowing how to wheather the different seasons of life would have me walk through. Have I mastered this journey absolutely not. And I am so thankful that God does not require me too. It’s by His grace and faithfulness alone. And I get to encourage women along their journey that right where you are with what you have you are enough! So one of the key obstacles I’ve had to overcome was the silencing of outside noises/voices ~~that would try to compete for space in my head and in my heart. Now I see as I look back not only were those things forms of distractions that would come to try and distract me. But to discourage me and knock me off course as well. I had to learn how to guard my heart and steward the Word of Promise God had spoken to me. We are in the age of technology and everything is shared all the perfect filter and highlight reels we see on social media. I had to put into practice the art of guarding my heart and cultivating this attitude in my life daily. And begin to honor the gift God has placed with in me and learning how to steward it well. Number one I simply stopped asking for permission to release my creativity and decided within myself to just release what God has given to me. And who my message is meant for — my tribe it will resonate with them. Number two learning how to show up in a space not asking can I sit at the table. But that my testimony of God’s Faithfulness in my life is the table and there is an open invitation extended to all.
I am a Speaker, Published Author and Certified Christian Life Coach. I specialize in helping women take their lives from the standstill phase to the faith in action phase. Empowering and equipping them with the practical tools to help elevate their lives to the next level! My most proud moments are hearing the wins and accomplishments of the women I get to serve, the relationships that are built over time, and getting the opportunity to see dreams come alive. It’s a pretty amazing feeling!
Success is WHAT YOU MAKE IT. I have a motto I don’t allow society to define what success should look like for me. I am the definition of that and when I get to wake up each morning doing what I love professional, but also my role as a mother and wife, sister daughter, friend, community leader I get to pour myself into the things I am passionate about and to see those things thrive even in the mist of the hard places that is success to me.