Meet Anna Svetlik De La Rosa of The Anna De La Rosa

After being a serial entrepreneur for so many years, it has helped me be intentional in making decisions, pressing on in every area of my life even in the midst of battles that arise! For as long as I can remember, I have had an enormous appetite for learning, researching and creating.
This has been one of the reasons why I’m consistently launching projects, starting businesses, helping others grow their businesses and growing my multiple brand platforms. When you know you have a message to share with the world, everything becomes apart of it in your life. You will see exactly what I am referring to below.
▫️ I have listed my Companies, Projects, Social Media Platforms & Brands below
Here is how it all began.
I am Czechoslovakian (Czech) and it all started when my great grandfather Frantisek and Marie Svetlik left their homeland 150 years ago on October 24, 1870 to immigrate to the United States of America in order to improve their lives and the lives of their descendants. Thank God for their courage and foresight. They sailed a ship (Named Irna) from Czech Republic and came to Texas. It took them 180 days to arrive in Galveston, Texas.
I was born in a small town named Bay City, Texas 12/20/1978 & was born on my father’s birthday. I was the youngest of my 3 brothers and also the youngest out of the entire family as a whole. I had an outstanding childhood, filled with adventure, imagination, laughs and fun! We went on camping trips all over Texas every weekend we could to visit the RV Parks and WildLife, we went to Lake Texana most weekend throughout the year and New Braunfels every summer. In the summer we would boat, sky, float rivers and travel. We always stayed somewhere in Texas which I’m sure that had to do with the 4 kids. Haha I could go on for days with all of the jaw dropping stories that are really Funny AF, but I can only tell a few today. I can always remember I wanted to be exactly like my Dad, My Aunts (Dad’s Sisters) and My Grandparents when I grew up. I knew I wanted to own a business either as a fashion designer, gemologist or do a little of everything. I would always hear my grandparents say, “A days work is never done, you just keep working and wake up the next day and keep going”. If you are going to get things accomplished, then you do not take vacation or stop because there is always something to work on”. I started helping my grandparents work at a very young age and they would pay $.50 or $2.50 lol.
We would even help assist the maids that would clean their home. Every time any of the grandchildren came to my grandparent’s home, Papaw Svetlik would give us money to go buy ice cream at a place called “Circle C” which that restaurant rented from my Papaw. Also, when he would be working, my Mamaw Svetlik would give us money to go get a Pepper, which was Dr. Pepper as Mamaw Svetlik would call it. She always told us to bring her back one. I loved listening to their story’s about how they came over here and got started. Their Trips to Vegas, Poker Games and shopping trips. One of the stories that I will never forget is when my Papaw and Mamaw Svetlik borrowed $2000 from a Judge in their little town of Bay City, Texas in the 40’s to started a Grocery Store. My Mamaw was telling me all about it and that they paid back their debt and opened a 2nd Store.
In 1946 or so, Papaw Svetlik went away to World War II and my Mamaw and my father stayed behind. My father was the 1st born of 3 younger sisters and at that time he was about 3 or 4 years old. Well while my Papaw went away to War, Mamaw Svetlik, decided she wanted to merge the two grocery stores together and buy some land to build. While he was gone away fighting for our country, she did just that. She bought the property off of 2901 7th Street in Bay City, Texas with her dimes she had been saving for years. She started the construction for the store, a little house for my father and her to reside and a spot to have travelers park their trailers or live if needed. The store was completed and named after my Father, Jimmie’s. That was when the Entrepreneurial Spirit Awoke in the women of my family.
After that, they started building a substantial size of rental property in both commercial & residential. They built a subdivision and named the streets after them, Svetlik Ave, Rose Street, Lily and Gladiola which they ended up donating to the city years back. My Mamaw Svetlik’s name was Rose, she loved flowers so that is where the other street names came from and then our last name is Svetlik for Svetlik Street and Svetlik Subdivision. The neat part about all of it is we have almost all of the property today, some is rented, some is not and some is Ugly AF, but the fact that so much history has been made there, it makes it special. There has been so many memories to look back on with everyone of us putting in lots of hard work, sweat and tears at one point growing up and still to this day.
Once I became a teen and had spent many years working for the family, it was time for a change. So at the age of 18 yrs old, I moved out of my parent’s home in Bay City, Texas to Houston, Texas. I was so excited because I was a city girl at heart and lived off of Westheimer Street in a Mid-Rise Apartment close to the Galleria, thanks to my parents! Not long after that I got married at 18 yrs old to my high-school sweetheart which we started dating at 15 yrs of age. After marrying, we continued to live in Houston for five additional years and then on 12/20/2001, we found out we were pregnant with Hannah (Now my gorgeous girl is 17 years old) Hannah was born on 8/8/2002 and we ended up moving to Pearland, Texas at that time.
I’ve done it all over the years and I am known for quit a few things. I will do a brief over below to kind of give you an idea.
Before I started my Insurance Business I went to school and focused on the Medical Industry. I started working for MD Anderson Cancer Center and stayed there for a few years. Then I worked for a number of other spectacular organizations. I had the opportunities to assist tons of patients as well as help doctors grow their practices to become some of the very best!
Then I discovered I had a love for the medical insurance portion of the Industry and started focusing more on that. I decided to go into that industry and start my research for a few years. I engulfed myself in learning, researching, being mentored and soaking in all the knowledge in the insurance industry and loved it even more. I finally made a bold move, embraced my entrepreneurial spirit and went out on my own. On Dec of 2011 “De La Rosa Insurance Services, LLC” was open and I started building from the ground up.
That in itself has been a journey of self-discovery. It has taught me how to not give up even when things get in my way or I break down and cry.
(Side-note: I will be closing the doors of my firm by the end of 2021 to totally commit to my Empowerment Coaching, Community, Book, Blog, Social Media Platforms and Interview Series!)
During Summer 2015, I started @theannadelarosa Instagram Page & started my online journey while still doing my Insurance Firm! I had no idea what I was doing, but I had a desire to Interview other Ladies and learn from them. I started my 1st Interview Series called “The Art of Manifesting Money Summit” and I have not stopped since that time!!!! I did not have a website at all, I had not taken professional photos, I had contacted IT Experts & Designers from to do my banner, edit my interviews and help me with a few things that would pop up. I also had my friend that was in the same Coaching Group I was in help set up of all the other stuff that need to be implemented. She showed me how to set up videos, Expert Templates, email broadcasts, Scheduling Links, Analytics, Aweber, Write Copy and Content and so much more for a small fee of course.
The best part is, she also taught me how to do it all just in case If I had an urgent matter arise, I could just handle it if no one was available. I thought everything had to be perfect but as time went on I learned that it didn’t have to be perfect at all. I decided that I was gonna be open, raw, authentic, funny, cuss and not hold back as well as speak my truth no matter what. That decision was the best move I could ever made.
During in the summer July 2016, I started planning my next project and that is when I did an interview Series called Meditation and Mindfulness Project and I wanted it to be 1/1/17 – 1/31/17 to start off the new year. I interviewed women all over the Globe and these ladies were Leading Experts in All Yoga Practices, Pilates, Meditation, Mindfulness, Psychology, Neuroscience, Energy Practitioners & other healing modalities. So while preparing for this new project, I had started emailing experts to join, conducting interviews, creating content, copy, and finalizing the other Summit I just finished with Surveys, etc. I decide 10/2016 that I was going to make a Website, have Professional Photos done as well & upgrade some of my software. While doing all of that, I realized I wanted to have a blog that Empowered & Supported Women. My excitement grew and ideas did too. Here is a thought that I wrote down: “I want to be able to feature the achievements of any woman that caught my eye and I felt drawn to. This would allow me to interview ladies that I have admired & learned from for years. I knew I didn’t want to be limited to only 1 Profession or Niche”. Each day I would journal and dream which would give me more clarity on what direction to go. So I started emailing and messaging women all over and would get immediate responses. They were like, omgggg yasss I would love to be apart, back to back to back.
I was also traveling with my daughter that was 14 years old at the time to softball tryouts & hitting lessons. My husband and I separated after 20 years of marriage in 7/2016. I was being featured on other ladies platforms as well. I remember Christine Bullock my 1st Feature for Empowerment Blog scheduled an interview 12/15/16 and that day, I was in the car interviewing while I waited for Hannah to finish hitting lessons. I could not go and wait in the Hitting Lesson because the building was metal and I didn’t have a connection to record. Hahaha. Then Janet Gunn set hers up and I was in Hannah’s best friend’s house at the time in the mother’s office interviewing Janet hahaha. Oooo I almost wrecked when Eden Sassoon emailed me and then called me to tell me how proud she was of me and would be honored to be apart of my Empowerment Projects. I have story after story, Badass Boss and Badass Boss that I have interviewed for my blog now turned into a Book release Summer 2021. Over the years I have formed bonds with these amazing ladies, they support me and I support them. We love each other and we are a sisterhood. I have dedicated my book to Jesse Golden of The Golden Secrets because of her strength to push through with Reumitorid Arthritis and she uses her love & light to help others. She showed up in my life when I needed her most and her Golden Goddesses.
This is what it is all about. I think I pissed when Lauryn Evarts Bosstick of The Skinny Confidential Said yasss to my blog and book! Tiffany Toth and Nikki Leigh agreed at the same time and I was totally freaking out because of their portfolios & beauty. Then my Favorite all-time Designer Rosanne Karmes of Sydney Evan said yes years ago. The funny part is I personally do not leave home without my wrist stacked high with her classic pieces because it is a source of inspiration to me. We even share the same birthday 12/20. After several years, we were chatting one day and come to find out that Janet Gunn is her neighbor and I had no clue when I was interviewing or putting my project together. The lovely Melissa Meyers agreed and she is besties with Janet Gunn. So it is so fun how it all works and comes together.
Then when Rachel McCord and Cindy Cowan said yess I literally was on Cloud 9.
I have over 300 ladies that I have interviewed around the globe and each one of them are so special to me. I have started to post consistently on my blog again and update old interviews.
Also on 1/1/17, I started a Women Empowerment Community and Blog to Support & Empower Women. A platform for Women to rise Together. Every woman needs her tribe & a safe sacred space to be Real, Raw & Vulnerable. There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing other women OWN their story, step into their power and share their precious gifts with the world! My Empowering Blog goes into the lives of ladies around the world by sharing their personal stories & how they evolved. I absolutely love when ladies join the movement & make an impact with me & other Powerhouse Women! At the same time of launching my blog, I became an Empowerment Coach to give ladies tools and tips to use themselves to cultivate their dream life through Meditation, Emotional Mastery Techniques, Inspired Business and Career Strategies.
In October 2019, I was approached by Amazon regarding my Instagram Handle @manifestingjunkie and they wanted me to be an Amazon Influencer so of course I said YESSSS, I am Officially Verified on Amazon and have a Storefront to share my favs with everyone.
I would not be able to do it without my publicist Alli Rodriguez of “ALLI RODRIGUEZ PUBLIC RELATIONS” She is an angel sent from heaven and helps keep me in order. It was so hard to let go of duties when you are used to doing it all, but when you have that person you trust and connect with to help assist, it is so much easier.
I look back on both my mom and dad’s long family line and it is filled with entrepreneurs, successors, innovators and community builders. They have instilled in me stamina and drive at a very young age and that I can create anything from nothing so get up and start working. That right there is a major game changer and when you see it being done in real life, it really puts an impression on you to give it all you got, whatever that may be! That totally reminds me of my Aunt Jane Laurence, (one of my dad’s sister) she is one of those Powerhouse Women that can do anything, get anything done and build something out of nothing. Growing up, I always wanted to be like her because you knew if she was involved, it was going to get taken care of no matter what. She set the stage for success, achievements, and nothing stops her. In 10/2007 she got a wild hair and purchased a Massage Envy franchise and opened it in Bay Colony by League City Texas. At the time, you didn’t see too many Massage Envy’s around but with her hard work & dedication it is still thriving today!
In conclusion, over the last several years I have become a mover and shaker in the women empowerment world. The ladies I interview inspire me, lift me & push me to show up daily. I have an Interview Series going at all times on my blog and social media platforms. You can visit my Brand Portfolio at
“I Empower, Encourage and Inspire Women around the global with words of wisdom, authenticity, vulnerability, truth and POWER!”
▫️ The Meditation and Mindfulness Project as seen in Mantra Magazine- Interview Series Launched 1/1/2017 – 1/31/2017
▫️ Instagram – @theannadelarosa – Personal Life, Projects and Current Events
▫️ My Blog, The Anna De La Rosa- started 1/1/2017 to Present- Empowerment Coach and Community, to Support & Empower Women all over the world by interviewing Powerhouse Women and sharing their stories on how they evolved. Website: Launched: 01/01/2017- This Brand also has an Academy and a FB Group called: The Empowerment Temple.
▫️ Instagram: @empowerwomenquotes –
Launched: 08/08/2017 My Empowerment Brand, Blog, Community & Upcoming Book
▫️ Instagram: @manifestingjunkie – Launched 12/2018- My Raw, Funny, WooWoo AF page that has grown so much. My followers are so supportive, funny and we love authentic real shit!
▫️ Instagram: @chance.theboxer – Launched 5/2016 – He turned 6 on March 3, 2020 and he is a prankster. His page is an absolute blast, he has tons of followers, 2 Hash Tags & is founder of 2 Clubs🐾
▫️ 12/20/2019: I partnered with Samanah Duran of Be Your Own & Critics Clothing to be one of the 1st to join her Membership platform she just rolled out! Samanah is honoree of Forbes 30 under 30, yahoo mail and so much more. I am honored to be apart of her tribe as well as have her in my book releasing 2021.
▫️Founder of De La Rosa Insurance Services, LLC- I started 12/2011. Website:
🏆(Voted 2019’s #1 Medical Insurance Firm for Business in Pearland Texas)
▫️ Book Release Summer 2021: “Empowered Women that Empower Women- Volume 1″✍🏻📚
Great question:
And Noooooo hahahah, not smooth at all. Below I have given a brief synopsis on why I started my entrepreneurial journey and why I started at that particular time👇🏼
On 11/26/2011, I had lost my middle brother Rodney to suicide. That was such a life altering loss for me and my family, not to mention a shift I felt deep in my soul. I had never experienced a loss so tragic, unexpected and definitely not a person so close. During my time of grieving, I would often break down crying alone. I remember one time in particular, I was taking and a shower and I just broke down and cried for a long time. I did not want anyone to see me cry, even if it was my brother, I wanted to be the strong one and not weak!
I knew I had to process my feelings and not hold them in so it became a ritual with me crying during my showers, lol During that process, I reflected back over my entire life, to realize that something was missing in my life. I was not living a life that served me and my talents so that I could share my message with the world. I didn’t want to continue living a life of regret or just wishing I did that one thing. Over the years, I had built multiple million dollar + businesses for others as well as help run them. I was tired of not enjoying the fruits of my labor and handing it over to others
I wanted to build something from the ground up, make changes when I wanted and do it all on my own terms. I mean, What am I talking about, I can do whatever the fuck I want, I am having a war with no one other than my own mind. After a few days, I knew I needed to quit my executive position and start my own journey as a business owner.
That is exactly what I did and I was going to go BIG and do exactly what I was called to. That was the driving force for me to start my very own Business. The following month, 12/01/2011, I took the plunge and started laying the foundation for my very own business and I started the creation.
On 01/02/2012, I gave my resignation to the firm I was employed and closed that chapter in my life.
What is funny:
Years ago, before I started building my own businesses and platforms, I was clueless to what really went into it.
Let me explain a little more in detail:
The dedication, the details and repeated hustle it took to grow a organization from the ground up was a 24.7 commitment. Now that I have witnessed it 1st hand. I really thought you just, had an idea, implement your plans and the entire process will be smooth sailing.
Boy was I Wrong AF hahah!
I found out very quickly that the unexpected twists and turns are what builds character and growth in you as an individual.
My business was my focus, I committed to form strong partnerships with my clients and the companies I provided medical insurance and benefits to.
I had done all this in my career up to this point and the only difference
was, it is now my very OWN. “So grateful” My ambitions, drive and seamless enrollment process made every client or their employee automatically consider me as an extension of their team. I brought so much to the table for my clients businesses that I worked day and night.
I needed to keep that pace and steady momentum so the cash flow could start coming in!
Then I would have a mini breakdown and fear, self-doubt, second guessing myself, and thinking I wasn’t good enough would set in. I would have to stop and regroup for a bit and go back to my vision and my WHY!!!!
Then I would start again right where I left off! What is basically boiled down to is my mindset was totally not there and I didn’t know what to do or where to start.
I just kept chipping away daily.
After about 6 months into me building my firm and coming up with a steady process, My Husband called me. I will never forget when he said my name. Anna, what your doing isn’t going to work right now, we cut so much off in our finances that we still need. He received a call from the last student loan he owed and needed to pay in full or a wage garnish would be processed. I literally said, send me that letter from the loan and I’m calling them.
Also, I am not going to work for anyone else again. I have spent so much time and energy these last several months and I know it is about to pay off! I hung up and of course called my mom crying! I refused to go back and work for someone else. I knew that I was almost there and would see a return soon. That is what happened, a few more months in I started receiving pay and the cash flow was steady. Then the steady growth of my business started and continued for several years. There was always unexpected situations that would pop up every now and then, which is totally normal.
▪️ (Back to the Student Loan and my dramatic call: I ended up calling the number on the fax that he received at work,
I spoke with Larry!
Let’s just say, Larry was like a robot and did not have one bone of compassion or feelings in his body. I said Larry, we need to talk about the pay in full or wage garnishment. Larry shut my ass up quick and told me that they don’t make modifications and it will be garnished if I don’t pay in full now!
Then I said, Larry that isn’t gonna work this time and I went round and round with him. To the point of me breaking down and crying and I felt totally ridiculous because I sounded like I was trying out for a part in a movie, but I didn’t care! I said Larry, Larry please, have a heart Larry. Please put payment plans! I am crying and crying cause I knew if I kept that up he would bend. Let’s just say, Larry put a payment plan in place and I was sooooo happy!!
I thanked him!
Larry was not and said that he wasn’t happy but he did it anyway! hahahaha
Then in the summer of 2016, My husband and I ended up separating, after being married for 20 years.
(Our divorce will be finalized soon)
At this point, I had spent years building a reputable firm that most would envy,
I suddenly realized that my firm was no longer serving me and my passion.
I knew I would not make a sudden move or stop doing anything until I had a definite plan mapped out. So I just kept chipping away daily!
The mental preparation and pushing myself to complete my goals has always been key no matter what. For me, this became a journey of self discovery and growth in me that I never knew existed.
With that being said, My entire growth process both personally and professionally still blows me away.
When you think about it, that is sometimes ultimately the very thing that shoots you into your greatness and you end up creating an epic product or developing a business that does not exists and is needed.
The beautiful thing is, this is your life & business. You can do whatever you decide that serves you.
I would not have gotten to where I am today without years of learning, crying, researching, failing, and failing some more.
After 8 yrs of building my business, October of 2019, My firm, De La Rosa Insurance Services, LLC, was awarded by the City of Pearland Texas, Best of 2019 for Small Businesses! What set me apart from others in this business is and I bring this to every platform or organization I build is proven ability to develop and sustain valuable client relationships, lead all components of innovative sales strategies, present transformational benefit proposals, research and develop actionable insights the company’s could save yearly at open enrollment while still providing top notch benefit portfolios for employees as well as offer additional products that would not cause the company’s to have resistance from employees when change happened.
Then my Empowerment Platforms:
2021 my Empowerment Book will release. Here is a little onsite on my upcoming book:
This sensational piece of inspiration, elegance & beauty is the 1st in its Genre & is shooting to be released Summer of 2021. It is celebrating the power & determination of women, it’s called “Empowering Women that Empower Women – Volume 1”. It’s not your average coffee table book it’s a conversation piece, a full color display of Beauty & Power (8.5 x 8.5). Translated in & printed in 7 Languages Ex:Beijing China, Guadalajara Mexico, Frankfurt Germany, London England, Czech, Arabic
▫️ New York Times weekly Sunday add (I already have these secure)
▫️ Barnes and Noble
▫️ Presented and Displayed globally at the International Book Fairs and also marketing my book to London, Germany, Mexico and China
To briefly describe what’s in the pages of my book: “It is a source of insight & inspiration for all ages to enjoy. I have had the opportunity to get in-depth interviews with women all over the globe and a collection of their personal portfolios they chose to have displayed. It specifically captures the essence and the beauty of each woman & how they have gotten to this point in their lives. The ambition and drive that set every single one of these women apart is truly phenomenal. I am honored to have interviewed these women, connect with them, learn about their journey and how they set out to make a difference in the world by turning their pain into power! As for me, a business tycoon to an author, I have experienced it all and enjoy learning all the challenges these beautiful women endured, the celebrated wins, intimate revelations and what it means to be a powerful women in the twentieth century.
I have hand picked each one of these driven women to be apart of my epic project. I also had the ability to imagine and aspire to what did not yet exist in these pages and bring it to life.
Rachel McCord, Lauryn Evarts Bosstick of The Skinny Confidential, Cindy Cowan, Melissa Meyers, Janet Gunn, Alli Rodriguez, Samanah Duran, Tiffany Toth, Nikki Leigh, Rosanne Karmes of Sydney Evan, Eden Sassoon, Christine Bullock, Jessica Hall, Kim Caldwell, Farah Abassi of Aroma 360, Carly Patterson, Arianny Celeste, Renee Rogers of Hanger Shortage & 16th Colony, Amber Farr of Flynn Skye, Nicole Swartz of Sprout Law, Julia Lescova, Luba Vitti, Nikki Williams of Nikki Williams Handbags, Melody Rae, Dr. Erin Fall Haskell of Good Morning LaLa Land & Author: Awakening Book, Brynn Elliott Watkins, Holly Glasser, Alexandra Mac, Tia Alexander, Patience Silva, Samii Ryan, Kylie Rae, Daniella Smith, Kristin McGee, Ellen Barrett, Katarina Van Derham of Viva La Glam Magazine, Lisa Brezinski of LKB Photography; Angel Quintana of Holistic Fashionista; Chelsey Korus, Kathryn Budig, Neda Soderqvist of JAMM Malibu; Dr. Nina of The Dr. Nina Show, Chelsey Rose, Jane Jett; Cassandra Bodzak, Heidi Marie Ferren; Sophia Pierson, Jana Roemer; Maria Furdychka Miss Moscow 2016, Erin Mullin Sanderson of Fit Rocker Chick, Hana Nitsche, Jesse Golden; Heidi Anderson creator Shed your Shit; Amy Fernandez of Budda Blossom Jewelry; Nicole Zeola Founder of Wowmoms World; Joelle Lavigne co-founder Wowmom World Franchise; Hannah Q of Hannah Q Photography; Rachel Ann Mullins host of No filter Friday, Ania Danilina, Andrea Crowder, Karmel Ottilia Creator of Ottilia & Sugar Swimsuit Collection, Alina Hetz, Tiffany Cruikshank, Ominique Charmaine, Brittany C.Reid, Madeline Archer, Rachel Annette Helson, Kim D. Owner of Posche by Kim D., Fanny Jooste, Ella Audrey Rae of Reignland Magazine & all things RLM, Carol Prendergast Creator of Instagrams Quickklist, Jessica Castro, Alicia Alvey & Co., Kamila Matthews, Samantha Lauren of What would Kiki Wear, Stephanie Wells, Karen Haines of Spa Girl Cocktails, Autumn Calabrese, Venessa Kaufman of We The Classy, Karen Stinson, Elizabeth Hugen, Nathalie K. aka Nathalie Katarina Katralen Lågrinn from Norway, Angie Rojo, Jamie Graber, Courtney Paige Nelson, Jennifer Harrison of Flea Market Fab, Heather Zwain, Heather Hoffman of Luminous MedSpa NJ, Alyi V, Isadora Bravo, Sarah Talias, Elizabeth Jones Styling, All the way from Tunisia Norchen Mezni نورشان, Erin in the Raw, Kristina Jimenez (KJ), Brenda Adiyiah of Rose Gold Slayer, Fiona Tuck, Morgan Larson of Podcast: Totally UnMorganized “Getting it Together”, Sharlena Hassani of Artisan of Skin Beverly Hills, CA, Georgia Mae Gibbs and Kate Wasley.
Other Powerhouse Bosses are listed throughout my Blog, Instagram Pages and the rest will be Releasing soon!
By celebrating these women, we carry on their collective fearless spirit and encourage one another toward greater and deeper. This inspiring volume will compel readers to reconnect with their own dreams and envision new goals to challenge themselves at any stage of life. This is the 1st volume in an unprecedented series of books devoted to uplifting women, celebrating their great achievements and their contributions to all professions out there today. The women profiled in my book demonstrate passion, determination, drive, fearlessness, and an insatiable curiosity that led each to harness her talents and achieve her goals, no matter how tough it got. That is exactly what I have done as well to get to this point in my life.
Towards the end of the book, I conclude with my daughter Hannah’s interview and several other teens. They talk about the steps they are taking to prep for the future and how their moms helped support them.
Last but not least, The emails, the comments and personal messages I receive daily across my platforms are phenomenal. To know that I have helped them in some way or how I changed their lives makes it all worth it.
I am my own definition of success. I just turned 41 in December and I’m finally living in my authentic truth and creating exactly what I want to show up in my life, both personally and professionally.
It will only get better from here because I will continue to do what I love and live my life to the fullest without any regrets. I will not wish I would of done or completed something because I already have it mapped out on my list. (My itemized list of what I will create or accomplish in the near
The best part of this is I am so proud of what I have accomplished already, but this is just the beginning. All of this is my way of defining success and I have so much more to share. Hannah will be 18 in August 2020 and then will graduate next year from high school, Class of 2021. She is my absolute pride and joy,not to mention one of my success story’s. In 2021, Hannah and I will be busy designing and decorating her new life at college. Since she has decided to get a Business Degree, we have already started building a mini brand for her, which is so exciting. This will allow her to have hands on experience as well as get her feet wet in the entrepreneurial space. My upcoming book will be releasing Summer 2021 which is epic. My list goes on and on but I consider what I have created as FREEDOM! The freedom to do whatever you want, time freedom, financial freedoms etc. There is nothing more exciting then watching your own personal brands & projects evolve very quickly.
One day I can take a trip down memory lane on how I started my journey as a little girl. How on a daily basis, I continued to chip away, trying to share my message with the masses!
My parents can tell you all about it because I involve them also. My Mom is always there no matter what and we spend 99% of our time laughing. Dad on the other hand can only take small doses hahahah! He is coming around and that is perfectly fine! I still share with him if he wants to hear it or not. Hahah
My Aunt Jane laughs and shakes her head but is very proud.
What touches my heart the most is I have been teaching my daughter to be strong, confident and happy with herself. If she has a question about anything she can come to me and I will guide her through any and everything! I remember growing up and it was so different than it is now. I mean we could ask questions but no telling what kind of answer we would get, hahaha
I love that one of my brothers had a boy, Grayson Svetlik and one of my brothers had a daughter, Lora Svetlik.
Hannah (Brunette) and Lora (Blonde) are close in age so they can hang out and relate to each other’s teen life! Omg listening to their conversations are absolutely the best and it’s like waves dropping on Grown Ladies having Tea! They are so precious and very talented! Hannah is a Softball Guru and Lora is Dance and Cheer all the way. I have learned so much along this journey and from Hannah, Lora and Grayson. I’m so grateful that I am able guide them from my own experiences. That is another success.