Meet Eric Thomas of 478tv

I’ve always been a creator. I feel like I’ve always had an imagination so when it comes to creating content it comes natural. When I got my first camera I was transitioning from sports and at a point in time where I’m expelled from college and a felon I had to ask myself what did I really want to do with my life?
To be honest I didn’t have much of a plan. I was a junior in college at the time and if it wasn’t for me being undeclared I probably wouldn’t learn that I had a very particular interest in business that I have never really known about. I knew YouTube had a monetization program that I’ve been familiar with and once I finally got my hands on a camera I began creating.
I basically bought a bunch of new equipment and assets and learned how to use all of it. I’m the type of person where I like to be under pressure and a challenge so learning how to operate all of my equipment and learning , the interview process , learning how to edit , and so forth built a particular work ethic in me that can’t be taught you either want it or you don’t.
I learned quickly that being an entrepreneur is one of the greatest and empowering things that was never introduced to me before in my life so ever since I started I haven’t look back.
Yeah but Its nothing outside of the struggle to all my brothers and sisters in the inner cities across America. Even when I was young I knew how to take on that type of struggle responsibly .
I didn’t have much guidance coming up so a lot of mistakes I’ve made were all trial and error. But the thing about it was that I used to take those losses with my head high at a young age. I had a certain level of understanding at a young age and I’ve always sort of realized that. So for a while I had the type of mentality where I grew up the man of the house at a young age. So outside of my household my ego , pride, and lack of guidance led me into a lot of mistakes. But for me The lessons learned from those mistakes where life long lessons that I’ll teach to my children and it’s nothing second hand It’s all from experience. I honestly feel like that’s my purpose in life. My intuition. Because everyone isn’t equipped to deal with particular people and that’s why people get taken advantage of. The sacrificial lamb. I feel like not only was I that person for others but for myself. But growing up I didn’t even realize how strong I was. That’s why I am able to talk about it now because it’s not about being tough that is the exterior but strong. I remember being arrogant a time in my life
And I’ve learned different lessons from that way of thinking . Good and bad. You have to appreciate that and I feel like I’m one of the few who have that type of actualization who have been through. Truth is knowledge is infinite and it took me realizing that at my core as advanced as I felt I was I still didn’t even know anything truthfully and I’ve had peers growing up a lot of associates and situations where I look at people like that and end up in an unfavorable position because of ego and pride and some are no longer living. To round that I feel like I’ve been through so much that I’ve reached certain degrees of consciousness and now I’m able to help others out because of it.
We specialize in being the voice and platform for the people. In the 478 there are a lot of people who are legends in what they do but you will always find that person that is the underdog every where in the 478 because everything is spread out and everyone is independent so if you are that underdog I had you in mind when I created 478tv and that’s what I want to find in every corner of the world that person who everyone thought that you wouldn’t have success and you pulled it your own way. I direct short films I produce documentaries and I also have 15 models who I have starting out with my model agency 478TV Productions who I am giving young inexperienced models in my area and beyond a chance to build their own portfolio and be able to give back to their community in the form of service each one teach one. I also specialize in interviews and I have interviewed people ranging from politicians to artist and really give my community an opportunity to be heard when it was a time nobody wanted to show love. With these models we are coming out with our own magazine as well but I don’t want to give out to much about that just stay tuned.
Success is what you make. Leave something for the future generations to build upon to lead the next DONT follow the mistakes of people in the past that is why those mistakes and sacrifices were made so you won’t make them. Other people definition of success is exactly that their definition don’t invest in others opinions more than your own in life go for what you know and take advice from people that you respect if you don’t respect them don’t value their opinion. Your mentality defines where you go in life if your negatives outweigh your positives than you have a problem.