Meet Emiah Hawkins of KissedByMiah

For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to start my own boutique, I’ve always been interested in being my own entrepreneur. I work at lax don’t get me wrong I love my job but I want to work for myself and I thought why not start my own little business. I started back in March just one day I said forget it ima start this and I started planning everything out I started off selling lipgloss , then I begin selling lashes and that lead to me selling onesies, clothes , slippers and etc.
Yes , for the most part everything’s been going pretty good for me due to me getting Laid off from my job due to this pandemic that’s going on I’ve been making it happen. The only thing that’s been setting me back is this covid-19 so shipping is a little bit slow. Also I don’t have my things on hand due to me not having a job but for the most part everything is going well
My business is named KISSEDBYMIAH I came up with the name because when I first started off I was selling lipgloss so it thought why not name it kissedbymiah it just fit well to me. I begin selling other things like onesies , lashes , bathing suits etc. all girl stuff I’m a girly girl myself and I thought why not sell stuff that all girls love and need. I’m very proud how far along my business came along and I can’t wait to see how much further I get with this. I feel like what sets me apart from others is that I’m really driven when I say I want to do something I go for it , my personality , everything. Also my prices my stuff Is not High at all. Because I know some people don’t have it like that and I don’t want to be too expensive I feel like my prices is what makes people want to buy from me even more.
My definition of success is when you truly are driven and people recognize it. In order to succeed you have to have a drive , a goal and you have to be willing to do anything to reach that goal. And that I am , I’m hungry to succeed and one day I know I will be bigger than I think.