Meet Deba Douglas of Douglas Dwellings

I am so excited to share my story and how Douglas Dwellings got started. As former Assistant Principal in the DFW area, I had the opportunity of meeting so many different families over the years, and I was able to get a glimpse of the disparities regarding housing in so many of my students. I had students that lived in very affluent areas as well as students that lived in low-income areas with limited resources. I remember having a student that told me he lived in a 1 bed apartment with his mom, 2 siblings, aunt, and 3 cousins. He would complain about having back pains all throughout the semester, as I formed a relationship with him, he shared that his back pain was from sleeping on the floor every night. In that moment, I knew that I had to do something to help in my communities.
Shortly after this experience, I purchased my first duplex, and created Douglas Dwellings. My heart was set on purchasing properties in low-income areas and remodeling them to look as though it was in an affluent area, so every family that lives on our property knows that they’re special and they deserve the very best, regardless of where they live. We believe that confidence is based on your environment and it starts at home. I want children that live in our homes to have the very best and it starts with housing. We send quarterly newsletters to our tenants to share free family outings in the area, job postings, provide rent discount to families when their children make the A honor-roll each grading period, and so much more.
Douglas Dwellings was created 2 years ago. Not only do we purchase properties and remodel them, we also help families facing foreclosure by providing creative options to help save their homes. We will purchase your unwanted house, and now that I am a licensed realtor- I can help everyone in my community with all their housing needs.
Starting a business from scratch will always have some obstacles to overcome, it wasn’t a smooth ride but it was worth the journey. Shortly after we purchased our first property, one of our tenants stopped paying rent and we had no idea what to do. This was our first eviction process; we had to learn as we went. Once the tenant finally moved out we had to complete a full rehab of the home and try to find good, trustworthy contractors. It is a huge task to take on when you’re a new investor, and we, again, were learning as we go. Another property we purchased had squatters in the house, so we had to learn how to deal with that as well. I started connecting with other investors in the area, which has helped build my network and my team.
The hardest struggle I had to overcome was fear and doubt. I feared the unknown and doubted my ability to problem solve. My husband was my biggest cheerleader,
encouraging and speaking life to me everyday. This helped me get through a full rehab and find one of the sweetest tenants that is currently living in the home.
My advice for women starting a business would be to believe in yourself. If God placed it in your heart, it is also on his. Be mindful of your circle- they need to be able to lift you up and encourage you through the storms. I have an amazing support system which continues to push me to new heights everyday.
Over the years we have helped so many families in different seasons of their lives find housing solutions in the DFW area and we are super excited for what the future holds. We are focused on changing communities one house at a time.
Now that I am realtor, We are able to expand our business to help EVERYONE with buying, selling, and renting their home.
Buying: We buy houses- any condition. We pay all closing costs and have the ability to close within a week.
Selling: We are connected with buyers nationwide that are ready to buy your house. As a realtor, I can list your home get the best price for your home.
Renting: We are constantly adding more homes to our portfolio to rent and owner finance in the DFW area. We take care of our tenants by providing monthly newsletters, treating you like family, and supporting your family through each season in your life.
Realtor: We have a realtor on staff to help with renting, listing, and buying your next home. We provide support and creative options to support you.
I’m most proud of the ability to create housing for people and help them during that season of their life. I realize that there are lives on the other side of my YES, which is something I do not take lightly. I am honored to be a blessing to others. The biggest thing that sets me apart from other investors is that I’m not focused on making money, but changing lives with real estate.
Douglas Dwellings, LLC is here to serve the DFW community. We are here to help find a solution for all your real estate needs. Let us help you!
I would personally define success buy the ability to help as many families as possible with their real estate needs. I want to bless others with my knowledge and creative ways to help solve their real estate needs. If I can double the number of families I help each year then I am successful. I trust God to lead me and order my steps.