Meet Cecilia Winter of a.chemicalromance

I first started doing hair about a month after graduating high school. I had always admired the beauty world, and growing up I spent a lot of time with my grandma doing each others hair and experimenting with colors and cuts. Fun fact she used to do hair for a small beauty shop in Mexico back in the 70’s. She pretty much gave me my start, and all my inspiration. Fast forward to today and I’ve been doing hair for about 8 years now, and I absolutely love every minute of it.
It hasn’t always been a smooth road. I spent a lot of my time being a stay at home mom, and struggling to get back to work and build a good clientele. I also worked for some salons, where the owners weren’t always the best and supportive with me being a mom and my schedule. Or wanting me to succeed and be creative in the ways I wanted to be. That also goes for people in general. I’ve been told one too many times that doing hair wasn’t a “real” job, or that I would never make enough money to take care of my family.
I specialize in color corrections, vivid hair colors like the rainbow, and I just completed a class in Hand-tied hair extensions! I’m most know for big transformations, and doing fashion colors! It’s my biggest and proudest accomplishment honestly. I think that it sets me apart from others because I have the patience to do these corrections and colors that take hours and hours.
I define success as your own accomplishments and what makes you the most proud. I usually set goals for myself and the type of colors or cuts I want to master in the year, and try my best to practice and learn from my mistakes. It’s the criteria I try to meet within myself.