Meet Adam Mendler of The Veloz Group

It all started in Tarzana, CA. I grew up in a great community in Tarzana (a suburb of Los Angeles) and was very fortunate to have a tremendous support system that helped shape me and my trajectory. I grew up on Veloz Ave., and when I decided to leave the corporate world and start a business, I partnered with my brother and we named it The Veloz Group. Amazingly, it has been eight years, filled with too many experiences to list, but each one has helped me grow personally and professionally.
Entrepreneurship is anything but smooth. There are lots of ups and downs, and as any entrepreneur will tell you, the highs are extraordinarily high and the lows are extraordinarily low. A lot of that is artificial and part of the grind that comes with being an entrepreneur, but a lot of it is real. We have had many business ideas that have gone nowhere and the businesses that have been successful took us much longer to get going than we would have liked. But the key is to learn from your mistakes, stay positive and look forward.
We have built a few different businesses. I mentioned our parent company, The Veloz Group, but the business we are probably best known for is Beverly Hills Chairs. Beverly Hills Chairs is the leading seller of refurbished Herman Miller Aeron chairs in the country. We sell the brand name office chairs that consumers want – Aerons, Herman Merman Mirra chairs, Steelcase Leap chairs – at deeply discounted pricing to businesses and home offices across the country. That business has come a long way, and I am proudest of the fact that we have brought joy and comfort to countless lives.
I love this question. It is a topic I speak about, write about and even ask guests about on my podcast, Thirty Minute Mentors. My definition of success is the net contribution to the lives of others. I try to make as positive an impact as I can in as many lives as I can. I often fall short, but it is the focal point of much of my work.