Meet Ray Calloway of BlkGirlDaily

I created BlkGirlDaily in 2018 for the purpose of sharing the things I wish I would have learned when I was younger and to empower other young black women to be self-aware and make smart decisions. Since the start, my brand and I have gone through an evolution where we now have a podcast, merchandise, and a community. I believe my brand is where it is today because I have chosen to be patient and on task. This means that I have tried as best as I can to stick to my goals with this brand and not deviate or pivot too far left to where I am not consistent. I think it’s important for someone who is building a brand, a business, or anything to continuously check-in and make sure you are still within your purpose as you grow.
Another intentional act that has aided in BlkGirlDaily’s growth has been being engaged with my audience and supporters. I am always open to collaborating and sharing other’s content, which in turn exposes me to their audiences, thus growing my platform.
It has not always been a smooth road, but it also hasn’t been the most difficult. I believe in manifestation and thankfully, many of the opportunities that have come my way, have been because I prayed or allowed myself to be open to them. I attract the things I want to happen. I pray for the things I need to happen. A few struggles include funding, prioritization, and sheer will. Sometimes I need to will myself into moving forward and not listen to the small voice in my head that encourages me to give up. Knowing the higher purpose of my work allows me to figure out ways around my obstacles to ensure that a goal is reached. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I prioritize. Figuring out how to take unnecessary things off my plate a constant for me. Therefore, I rarely procrastinate I don’t like for tasks to get backed up. Lastly, when I am in need of funding for my business or for myself (meaning a workshop or event I want to attend) I get creative and either increase my marketing efforts or figure out ways I can collaborate with the event planner or owner. Always remember to be resourceful on your road to success.
BlkGirlDaily is a business and lifestyle brand geared toward black women. I interview black female entrepreneurs, bosses, bloggers, creatives, etc with the intention to highlight them but also to inspire other aspiring entrepreneurs. In addition, I blog about my experiences as a young adult figuring out how to navigate relationships, friendships, spirituality, sex, business, and self-awareness. I am most known for the interviews and sharing content from other black women on the BlkGirlDaily Instagram page. I am most proud of the impact this platform has had on our growing community. I receive positive feedback all the time about the advice I have been able to give or share. I encourage women to be themselves unapologetically. I believe what sets me apart from others is that I know that my platform is not about me. I welcome blog submissions, podcast guests, etc so that everyone feels as much a part of this platform as I do. I don’t know many platforms who interview everyday women and share their content.
I define success as knowing your purpose and then walking/working in that purpose. If you know your purpose and are refusing to operate in it, then you are doing yourself and those who need you a disservice. I know when I have been successful or if you will, have had successful moments when I am content in the message that I am putting out into the world (regardless of praise) but to also receive the praise for it. It lets me know that I am being heard, my message is resonating, and that my audience is doing the work to be the best version of themselves.