Meet Nana Churcher of The Nana Churcher Show

“You have to win in your mind before the world see you win. You are created for signs and wonders and belong at the TOP”. –Nana Churcher (Talk Show Host/Author/Speaker)
I am a big dreamer. Growing up I had a vision of having my own TV Show with a global audience. It was going to be a show that will ignite the greatness in people no matter their race, by them watching or listening to the guests I interviewed. The content of the show is to educate, motive, inspire and entertain my viewers. In school I was very good at English and loved telling stories. I was very interested in how people achieved their success and wanted to share their stories.
It was at a friend’s christening party when I was asked to step in for the master of ceremony that ignited my dream to become a talk show host. Before that, I was a sales assistant, beauty consultant and a sales director then became a stay home mum when my children were born.
There is no success without struggles or failure. We fail forward. Starting a Talk Show was very difficult as I did not have the finances. I didn’t have a studio to record and that meant hiring a studio, pay a videographer and equipment’s that was costly too. I went for countless interviews at television and radio stations for a position as a presenter so I could pitch my show, but all I got was rejections. I sent out sponsorship packs to companies for them to sponsor my show on television networks I got more rejections. Guests will last minute turn down my interviews or not reply my messages. I was frustrated I almost give up, then I decided to work and sponsor my show till I found my feet.
I am the Executive Producer and Host The Nana Churcher Show which is an award winning show. i travel the world sharing exclusive interviews with ordinary people doing extra ordinary things, celebrities, professionals, business people who are world changers and impacting the lives of others. My uniqueness is how I am able to connect with my guest for them to fill comfortable in sharing their stories.
I am also an Author and an International Speaker. Over the years I have learnt so much and one of the most important things I have learnt is how we communicate with our words. I realise how our words affected us whether good or bad so I wrote my book The Power of Your Words in helping people with their choices of words whether to others or themselves.
To me success is when there is a true meaning to what you do and it brings transformation. Your work should be meaningful. Meaning is what brings the richness to your life. I make sure everyone who comes around me feels very special. I believe each and every one has greatness in them.