Meet Keosha K of Kakes by KeO

I discovered my passion for cake decorating while I was employed as a bakery wrapper. I found it so satisfying to watch the cake decorators design cakes and cupcakes using 95% icing. One day, my manager at the time, asked me if I’d be interested in becoming a cake decorator. Shortly after, she alllowed me to take home a piping bag filled with icing and a few pastry tips to practice at home. The bakery was very fast paced so my time being cross trained on the job was actually very slim. I’ve always been a visual learner so watching and practicing on my own played a major part of building the skills I needed to become a cake decorator. I was promoted from bakery wrapper to a cake decorator. I was so happy. Decorating relaxed my mind and I loved it. Bakery was very fast paced due to the volume of customers and orders we received. My downfall was rushing. Having to rush to decorate cakes and have them ready on time began to effect my mental health. I could no longer deal. It became too stressful to the point where my physician recommended I find a less stressful job or position. My previous position had been filled and I had no interest in any other department within the company so I had no choice but to leave. Bittersweet moment. My new job wasn’t paying as much as my previous job was and a good friend of mine suggested that I start decorating cakes from home for additional income. I gave it a try with no hesitation because I have three daughters that depend on me to provide for them. I slowly began taking my business seriously. I gave my business a name, purchased a logo, ordered business cards, got a business license, got ServSafe certified etc. and here I am nominated for this interview.
It has not been hard. I’ll say my business did take a hard hit when I began to branch out and try to work with other companies. My amount of orders dropped drastically and once I realized that, I went back to working alone.
I am known as the #buttercreamqueen
I specialize in decorating cupcakes and cakes using mainly buttercream icing. I keep fondant to a bare minimum. My passion is decorating with buttercream icing. I offer individual cupcakes, pull apart cupcakes, double layer cakes and tiered cakes for all occasions. If the design can be created using buttercream icing, I can do it.
I define success in my business as being able to continuously generate enough income that will allow me to provide for my family without needing to have a job outside of my business.