Meet Heaven

I began my modeling career in the curvy model arena. Breaking through as a plus-size model was challenging when I first started, but it has been a great platform to show that true beauty comes in many shapes, sizes, and shades of skin tone.
It’s now more acceptable being a curvy or voluptuous model whereas in the past it was frowned upon. I previously worked on promotional events with Distinctive Class Models as my agent. I have worked as a Team Lead training and managing a group of ambitious models. Last year, I participated in my very first fashion show “The I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Fashion Tour” Dallas edition in support of sickle cell awareness and have since continued on and walked in four more fashion shows in 2019 including one in Houston, Texas. I’m currently freelance working as a Elegant Model for Sapphire Chic Modeling Group based in Arlington, Texas.
Nothing is ever as easy as it looks. I’ve spent countless nights without sleep planning events. A lot of my own resources are used in order to make an event or shoot successful. Most of the time, you spend more than you bring in. There have been so many times I wanted to give up, but if you don’t invest in yourself, how do you expect anyone else to do so?
Models basically provide a service of advertising, marketing and promoting. I host events, provide testimonials, promote and model clothes/garments/accessories for designers, stylists, artists, etc. Heaven has hosted and participated at Rip The Mic, I’m So Dallas Platform, PrymeBar SavageLife artist contest, various photoshoots, video, and other promotional events including boxing weigh in with pro boxer, Tony Mack. I’m currently featured on Sapphire Chi Modeling Group’s website I also submitted my first Sport Illustrated Swimsuit submission for 2021!!! I truly see myself as a real, true go-getter. With over seven years in the business, I’m still eager and excited about every facet of modeling.
My ultimate goal is to mentor other aspiring young models who may face the same challenges I have faced. I want to encourage, inspire, and help them with their self-esteem issues because each one of us are beautiful and unique in our own way.