Meet George Williams of Tastebudz clothing

About 7 years ago I deigned a shirt for myself . I received a lot of attention for my design . I sent the shirt to a good friend of mine who was doing modeling at the time . Once she received positive feedback I new I had something special .
It has not been smooth for me at all. I am a international professional basketball player . I travel the world playing the game I love while managing the business I love . Until a year or two ago I was finally able to start building a small team to help me when I travel abroad to play . It still presents many challenges but it has made things somewhat easier for me .
When people first see me , I believe they just envision me as just a athlete. But once people actually open a conversation they realize I’m so much more. My business name is somewhat of a representation of what I believe in . Tastebudz, something we all have yet makes us different. We all love music , we all love food, or art but our individual taste in each makes us unique. I think my drive and belief that we are all different and the same is what sets my brand apart because I don’t want it to be categorized with any specific market . Which In this industry it may be seen as impossible or not a great idea to not have a specific target audience , but I believe I can change that.
Success to me is when your hard work and preparation meets the door of opportunity and breaks right through with out any hesitation. Seeing the results of the work and labor I out in, the excitement of people’s faces when they wear my designs. Seeing people from different states and countries visiting my website or social media gives me that sense of success .