Meet Ezra Jones of theFstate

In 2015, was unhappy with my current status in life and decided to pursue more of my passions in life. In my pursuit a discovered a fashion show that was to take place. The fashion show was entitled Insta Runway. I located the contact information for the show and emailed the production team. The assistant producer for the show read my email and exclaimed to the lead producer that they had to take a look at it. After the lead producer read it they contacted me and we scheduled a call.
Upon receiving the call we had over a 3 hour long call about my aspirations. I was brought onto the production team shortly thereafter at the conclusion of the call. The show included an all black designer cast. Among them are those who are now known for their current fame. Names such as Project Runway Allstar Korto Momolu, Laquan Smith, Reco Chapple of the famous fashion house, House of Chapple and Ese Azenabor. It included guests such as Ty Hunter, Christina Johnson, Dallas Cowboy players and Stylist J. Bolin just before the precipice and surge of his now famous popularity. The show is still touted as one of the best fashion shows in Dallas. The show took place at the well known Lofty Spaces and trended across the social media platform Instagram.
Following the success of show the lead producer asked me to stay to assist with scouting male models. Eventually the members of the original production team each parted ways to pursue their own individual interests. I later started fashion state of mind which was intended to be an agency. At the time I looked into and researched the requirements for owning an agency and it was not feasible at the time. So I started as a model management company. While the an agency and model management are similar the requirements for each are different.
After starting the road to model management I later discovered that people would often inquire and seek my advice on how to start their own business. Quickly realizing I was functioning in a bigger scope the company transitioned to public relations.
It has not been a smooth road. What would often be seemingly lacking is financial support. However the skill set of having survived being employed with major retailers during an economic turn and volatile market has made me extremely resourceful. I am gifted with the ability to do and acquire more with less. I am gifted with the unique ability to connect and build distinctive relationships. I have been blessed to build an entire company starting with a ten year old 2005 Macbook. Adding to the challenge the lack of owning a vehicle in an area where it is almost absolutely pertinent. Each step I have fought fear, anxiety and have had to come to grips with the personal demons of my past among them being a male having to cope with being raped at the age of twenty one. I have survived multiple car wrecks, suicidal depression, discrimination and even at one time being held at gunpoint.
Today what was once fashion state of mind has transitioned to “theFstate.” A Creative Mother Agency created for Gender Fluid Brands to inspire the love of all with Millennials in mind. Specializing in Artist Management and Brand Development for male models, emerging fashion photographers and emerging fashion stylists. The emerging creative FASHION, MUSIC, AND ART ICONS of the next generation and beyond. Dedicated to promoting LOVE, culture, human value, ACCEPTANCE and social change. We create and tell stories to inspire the future of the world we would like to see exist. Aspiring to make a better world with LOVE, STYLE, CULTURE. Representing marginalized communities of culture and classifications of sex and gender.
I think success is achievement, influence, impact and change. The message that I try to vigorously live and lead my life with is the message of love. It does not matter your race, sex, creed, gender or religion my firm belief is that we are to love one another. I hope that that message resounds loudly in every facet of what I do and how this company runs. Above all else my message is love. If I can in some small way drive home that message and change someone’s perspective to think, show, do and be the message of love then I have been successful. Every tenacious challenge would have all been worthwhile and worth the agonizing pains of growth.
I look for people with shared common values and interests. I look for commonality and reciprocal energy.