Meet Detrich Swain of Black Creative Mind, LLC

Hello, I hope everyone reading this is being fully blessed with prosperity. Also thank you to Buzz Magazine for this opportunity and platform. So, I got my start as a kid born and raised in Windsor NC. I have had a love for music for as long as I can remember. I developed a natural love for music and because it was rampant in my family. I’ve been writing rap music since about 12 years old. I performed at my high school talent show and participated in rap cyphers with my friends around the city. My hometown doesn’t have a lot of outlets to critique my craft so I was never able to take my music to the next level. I moved to Raleigh NC after graduating high school and lived there for 12 years. I became an adult while living there but I never lost my love for music. I would continue to write verses and songs whenever thoughts hit me. I am 40 years old and I still have all my rhyme tablets since I was a kid. I met my wife Curtrina in Raleigh NC and we had 3 kids together. Though I was getting older my love for music never left and I continued to write but never recorded in a studio. My family and I moved to Savannah Ga in 2011. After some time the wife and I had another child and I worked diligently to buy a home for my family and to put us in a better living situation. While working at a large company in Savannah Ga that offered tuition reimbursement I took advantage of it and completed my Bachelors In Business Management and my Masters in Business Administration by the age of 39. I accomplished this while working long hours and being a husband and father. I would get off of work at 10:30pm and go home and work on schoolwork all night until morning. I would shower and go to class in the morning then back to work with no sleep in 24 hours. I made this sacrifice because I wanted to better me and my family’s life and set an example for my children. While working on this job I met Jeremy Hagan and developed a friendship. Through this friendship we learned that we both had a mutual love for music. He took me to the studio for the first time and we have been recording music every since. We both got tired of working 9-5’s and wanted to pursue our own dreams of making music and become entrepreneurs, so we left our jobs and started our own music label. So at 40 years of age I have 2 degrees and a music label that we recently got LLC’d. I achieved all of this after my 30’s, so I say that not to brag but I hope to inspire others that age should not dictate what you want to do in life. It’s all about your mental, your drive and your ambition to succeed and most importantly keeping God first. My goal is to be inspirational and give hope and to show people goals and dreams can be achieved at any age. I also want to make age appropriate rap for my age group because I feel there isn’t much rap music out here for us to listen to and I want to fill that void. I feel soul, introspective lyrics, creativity and storytelling is not as prevalent in rap music anymore and I want to bring that aspect to the forefront again. I’ve always felt that I have a gift and a purpose to do more in life and I want to help raise a generation of young black men and give them some guidance by giving them knowledge and being an example to them. I really feel I can accomplish this through music because music is the one uniting voice that brings people from all walks of life together. I’m aiming to make history and be the first or one of the first ones to enter the rap game at 40 and be very successful at it. This will give others with doubts a model to look at and show them it can be accomplished. I’m confident in my music, because there is no age limit on music. When other fields of entertainment like sports limits you by getting older, music can be written and performed at any age. I have a great gift for writing almost anything so I pray this skill set takes me places. I have performed at shows, been in music videos and I have done various interviews and I have music on major streaming services. I just want to tell the readers to dream big, invest in yourself, plan, work hard and keep God first and your thoughts and dreams will come to fruition no matter your age. I am excited to do what I am doing now at my age instead of my early twenties because I feel I am more mature to handle what comes with success now than what I would have been early on.
It definitely has not been a smooth road. Entrepreneurship is very tough, it’s part work and part faith. It’s not meant for everyone because the challenges sometimes are very tough and only the strong survive. And if it was easy, then everyone would be doing it. It takes a great deal of sacrifice and money. You will lose close friends and family along the way but stay the course, your vision is for you and others may not see it. I have questioned myself or doubted myself plenty of times along my journey but whenever I get into a funk, God always shows me a sign to keep doing what I am doing. Bills may even mount up but trust God and you’ll succeed.
My company is Black Creative Mind, LLC. We are a label who makes music, shoot music videos, write books, do school drives in the community, preach education and mentor the young in our city and sell merchandise but most importantly we are a brotherhood and a positive movement. What I am most proud of as a company is the fact we’re building something from the ground up and trying to be a legit business. A lot of people make music and entertain but few actually take the steps to reach the next level. We want to live in this world and not just exist. I think what sets us apart from others is our constant faith and keeping God first. Others just rap but we are actually LLC’d. Our music as well sets us apart. I don’t feel anyone is making music like ours that is actually touching souls. We are seeking to make history.
I believe success is defined by each individual person. One persons criteria for success is not necessarily what another person believes. So if you’re happy and satisfied with your accomplishments in life and you feel fulfilled by them, then you are successful. My criteria to success is to take care of my family and make them proud of me, be able to accomplish my dreams in music and entertainment and leave behind a legacy and businesses for my children and also I want to touch souls and inspire people from any age group. So if you’re reading this and it’s interesting to you, please contact me for business opportunities.