Meet Andrew Robinson of Xile Nation

When I was born, I lived in Villa Americana apartments on the south side of Houston. Grew up with 11 brothers and sisters including step-brothers. Always had a passion for sports and would draw in class when I was bored. I played football, basketball and ran track. During my younger days around the early 2000’s, I remember seeing my uncle draw the back of a suburban truck. He doesn’t know it but later I tried to draw the same thing and it didn’t turn out too well. I didn’t think I was that good anymore but I remember my Art Teacher Mr. Gabriel always told me I was creative.
College is a great experience and simultaneously challenging. I attended Trinity Valley Community College,San Jacinto Community College and now I am at the University of Mary-Hardin-Baylor. I started off as a business major and later became an Art Major. When I thought about the career I wanted to pursue, it had to be something I was naturally good at. While at San Jac I started coming up with ideas and sketching up designs. It was then I realize I wanted to create a brand. Now I have been studying at Mary-Hardin Baylor, I have grown wiser and have obtained new perspectives. My team and I are now at the point to where we are ready to reveal everything we have and we are working diligently to get these ideas out to our supporters.
No, there is a lot of competition in Houston being an artist. There are so many local brands. It’s really hard trying to sort of create a disparity between your brand and others. That’s why when I create, I do my homework on other brands and make sure I try my best to be original.
Based on the extravagant minds of a loner. This explains Xile in one sentence. It’s a bit more convoluted but as the brand unfolds my supporters would soon fully understand. My brand will tell a story.
Im proud of the fact that I ran into such a unique team because sometimes it really feel like ideas are being bounced of the walls. I mean all we have to do is catch them. We focus on genuine ideas and we try our best to create from scratch. That way the more original an idea can be.
True success is only gained when you put in the work. Not saying that if you put in the work you will gain success. We all know how it is in the real world, but if you wanna truly feel good innately you have to feel what’s its like to grind at something and then maintain that grind. It’s then you will feel true success.
At Xile we don’t want the computer to do all the work we want to put in the work ourselves as well. In doing so, we have to watch out for floating bacteria. Anyone trying to sabotage what we have.
Xile has to try its best not to “ride the wave.” We want to create the wave. With that being said, we don’t fade away in trends. We appreciate them, but we do not let them distract our rhythm.