Meet Alexx Calise of Batfarm

My songwriting partner, Dennis and I didn’t necessarily have the intention of starting a band together. Dennis was asked by a friend of his to compose a song for an indie film about 10 years ago, and he asked me if I wanted to collaborate with him on it. We found out that we had really great musical chemistry in the process, so we started writing some songs together for licensing purposes. Ultimately, those songs would eventually become Batfarm songs.
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road. After we finished tracking our first Batfarm record, several things happened. Dennis and I’s romantic relationship dissolved (we dated previously for about 5 years), my solo career started taking off, and Dennis ended up going on tour with several other music projects. Batfarm was put on hold for a number of years while we pursued other things. However, we came together again musically a few years ago, and finally decided to record a new EP and play live as a band for the first time (we had only ever made studio recordings as Batfarm).
We are the premiere darkedelic duo (and as far as we know, the ONLY darkedelic duo). We combine my love of grunge and blues with rich, choral soundscapes, and Dennis’s affinity for industrial, funk, and psychedelic music. A lot of people have likened us to The Cure, Portishead, A Perfect Circle, Alanis Morrisette, Nine Inch Nails and Pink Floyd, which I consider a huge compliment. I think what sets us apart is our live show more than anything. People have a hard time believing we’re only a two-piece because it sounds like there is a full band up there. We leave it all on the floor and perform like we’re playing a punk rock show. We also have a ridiculous, quirky sense of humor and we have absolutely no shame, so it’s not uncommon to see us dressing up like idiots in our music videos and promos (i.e. our “6 Underground” video, in which we wear over 20 different costumes).
My definition of success has definitely changed over the years. It’s not necessarily about fame or fortune. It really is about how you feel inside; it comes from within. While we’re always striving to be better as individuals and as a band, we do take stock of all that we have, and all that we’ve achieved. We may not be rich or hugely famous yet, but we do have each other. We’re best friends who get to make music together every day. We get to live out our dream, even if the dream isn’t all we’d like it to be. That, to me is success.